About acquisition of nationality

About acquisition of nationality

The Nationality Law of Japan has been revised, and as of January 1, 2009, Japanese nationality can be acquired by notification even if the parents are not married, as long as the father is recognized as a Japanese citizen. We can assist you in acquiring Japanese nationality.

1.Requirements for acquiring nationality

(1)Those who are trying to acquire Japanese nationality
・Being recognized by my father
・Being under 20 years old
・Never been a Japanese national
・The fact that the father who recognized him when he was born was a Japanese citizen

(2)The cognitive father is actually a Japanese national (if the cognitive father is dead, he was a Japanese national at the time of his death)
2.Acquisition of Japanese nationality through transitional measures (Currently, those who are 20 years of age or older who fall under all of the following can acquire Japanese nationality by notifying by December 31, 2011.)

(1)Those born after January 2, 1983
(2)Those who have been recognized by their father by the time they reach the age of 20
(3)That my father was Japanese when I was born
(4)Father is actually Japanese (if the cognitive father is dead, he was a Japanese national at the time of his death)

3.Basic flow of acquiring nationality

(1)Submission of Acknowledgment Report by Japanese Father → Fact of Acknowledgment is Recorded in Family Register
(2)Submission of Acknowledgment Report by Japanese Father → Fact of Acknowledgment is Recorded in Family Register
(3)Notification of acquisition of nationality for family register → Listed as a Japanese national in the family register